Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years!

I am exhausted. I worked 30 hours in 3 days this weekend.

I have been trying to come up with a goal for this year. I am drawing a blank. My life is going in a great direction. I am truely happy and content (most of the time). The only thing I can think of is to resolve to continue in the direction I'm going. How amazing is that :)

While I can't think of anything major that I need to change, there are some small things I can do to better myself and make 2010 amazing.

*Show random acts of kindness.
*Be more patient with people. Remember that they have their own stories and problems. I need to remember this at work. I get so annoyed with customers. Oh, and while driving.
*Jealousy is my biggest flaw. I need to figure out a way to deal with jealousy better. I have no idea how to do that so if anyone has any ideas I am all ears.

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